Institute of Art Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire
Ireland’s campus for the Creative Industries

Aileen Denton 

BSc [Hons] Creative Computing

Hailing from Liverpool, Aileen moved to Ireland in 2006. Having completed a FETAC level 5 in Computer Games Design and a FETAC level 6 in Computer Games Development in Cavan Institute, she developed a particular interest in 3D Modelling, Prop and Environmental Design for games. Aileen also has experience in 2D asset creation, animation and graphic design. She has experience in using a number of programming languages, particularly in JavaScript for creative coding and C# for game development.


M.A.R.S (Mobile Assistive Robotic Servant) is a short 3D side-scrolling game, in which the objective is to escape a spaceship. The player plays as a robot named M.A.R.S. Throughout the level, the player must navigate environmental dangers and reach an escape shuttle.

This game uses multiple methods of accessibility in order to cater to symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). These include physical and cognitive symptoms that are commonly induced with MS.

Regarding physical symptoms, a key re-mapping system is implemented in order to allow for customized controls. This was implemented to allow users to used general keyboards comfortably and customize controls throughout gameplay.

Cognitive symptoms were targeted also, through aesthetics and environmental triggers. Hazards within the game maintain a bright red emission texture in order to stimulate faster cognitive triggers within the player - to indicate danger.

Assistive Technology in Gaming for Persons with Multiple Sclerosis

This thesis is based on the use of assistive technology through gaming, specifically for those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. The research is based on identifying key symptoms that may lead to inhibited lifestyles, and learning how to challenge them through means of video gaming. This includes discussion on Serious Games and rehabilitation methods.

It is also used to define how games could be made more accessible. This includes accessibility for cognitive and physical symptoms primarily. This research project was based on challenging symptoms such as limb immobility, spasms, weighted arms, information processing and reaction timing.

The range of accessibility within video game software and hardware that are currently on the market is discussed. This thesis also explores usage of the Game Accessibility Guidelines. This is an online guide of features that may be implemented into games to allow for more accessible gameplay.