Institute of Art Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire
Ireland’s campus for the Creative Industries

Áine Hartnett 

Project Description

This Project was focused on researching the benefits of sound therapy including how it could potentially be integrated into treatment plans within western medicine. Alongside this it was important to study how accessible it is currently, to the average person. To explore this, a survey was carried out in order to be able to explore accessibility and what needs to be done to improve how it can be accessed and who can avail of the benefits.

The Benefits and Accessibility of Sound Therapy

The objective of this study was to compile evidence of the benefits of Sound Therapy, alongside determining the accessibility of it to those who may benefit from its practices. This was achieved by conducting a survey specifically for those who currently practice various forms of sound therapy. It allowed a space to collect data on both the benefits of it and gather information on how accessible it is, by identifying trends and patterns among those who practice. Analysis of the responses collected demonstrate a significantly positive response on the benefits of sound therapy. However it was evident that it is still a largely under researched area, therefore positive results appear to be inconsistent. The survey also provided evidence that accessibility is determined by the method of sound therapy used, and the resources of the individual looking to practice. This concludes that overall it is not a highly accessible form of therapy to those who may benefit from it.