Jack Fahy is a final year student of Film & TV Production. As a major he expressed his creativity in the field of film as a writer/director by highlighting the absurd nature of the relationships in our lives. He plans on furthering his skills as a writer and/or director in the future on a multitude of projects. He also has a keen interest in sound mixing, and has created vibrant sound mixes for a few short films recently.
It Is Decidedly So (Short Film, Writer/Director)
After a man finds a magic 8 ball in a park his fate comes into question when the 8 ball dictates his future. As part of our revealing relationships brief I decided to take a comedic look into the way we let the devices in our lives dictate how we live our lives and our decision making.
Some 38 Minutes Ago (Abstract & Emotional Short Film, Director)
A couple go for a romantic date in a fancy restaurant, however, all is not what it seems. This is an abstract film that was constructed from the emotion that I felt upon looking at the painting ‘Discourse On Commodus, Part IX’ by Cy Twombly.
Where The Shoe Pinches (Short Film Currently in Post-Production, Writer/Director)
A mother and a son go out metal detecting in a field searching for what they left there.
For my thesis, I explored the many ways in which food was used in film in order to communicate the deep romantic desires the characters share for one another in their respective films. In particular I examined the way food and desire are interconnected in Paul Thomas Anderson's 'Phantom Thread', Peter Greenway's 'The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover' and Wong Kar-Wai's 'In The Mood For Love' and the different unique perspectives on food and desire each of these directors bring to the table in their respective films.