Institute of Art Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire
Ireland’s campus for the Creative Industries

Linda Tucker 

BA [Hons] Visual Communication Design

I am a Visual Communications design student and enjoy creating design solutions for both digital and print. I’ve previously worked as a business analyst for financial services software before returning to college to focus on graphic design. I enjoy experimentation with image-making, typography, illustration, motion and photography. I am interested in branding, editorial, copywriting, web and app design and try to create refined design solutions using UI/UX principles focusing on user needs and impactful communication. I am fascinated with design history and enjoy researching how design responds to world events, which adds further depth to my practice.

Gallivant. It's a walk in the Park.

The Phoenix Park, affectionately known as “the Park” is one of the largest enclosed urban parks in Europe and is extremely popular with local, domestic and international visitors. Despite over 10 million visitors per year, wayfinding is limited and there hasn’t been a dedicated digital app to help visitors find their way around. As a result, people tend to go to the same areas which can lead to overcrowding in sections and visitors missing out on some of the best parts.

For people who would like to explore more of the Phoenix Park, Gallivant is a digital app encompassing a visual identity and promotional campaign that will help visitors discover new areas of this popular public park. The app will also help people interact with nature, while also providing useful information on the amenities available.

Thesis: The Revolution is a Sticky Note. Hong Kong’s Lennon Walls 2014-2020

Hong Kong’s Lennon Walls have evolved from a single community-generated protest art installation sparked by the Umbrella Movement in 2014 to an outpouring of creativity all over the city during the Anti-Extradition and Pro-Democracy protests of 2019 and 2020. By giving individuals an accessible mechanism to express their political opinions, dissent and solidarity, they further reinforce the values of Hong Kong’s Pro-Democracy movement. While these paper mosaics are being continuously torn down, the ideas instilled in them are far more influential and lasting. This thesis investigates the history of Lennon Walls from their origins in Prague, to their proliferation as a communication medium across Hong Kong, internationally, and to different grassroots campaigns. The origins of sticky notes are examined and how an everyday office item has been redeployed as a powerful and creative tool for protest, and how some Hong Kong citizens are now using them to circumvent recently introduced draconian laws.