My studio practice involves creating original video works on the concept of "overthinking". These video works are created to visually portray a person/ people being physically present yet mentally elsewhere. The atmosphere of these artworks are to make the viewer feel unsettled as there is a sense of chaos and anxiety.
Caoimhe Laverty, Not Fully Present (Series 1), Video Installation, 2:36, 2021
This video portrays several different people, all trapped inside their head. We hear the thoughts and worries of each individual. This video work is titled "Not Fully Present" as each person is physically present, yet mentally somewhere else.
Caoimhe Laverty, Not Fully Present(series 2), Video Installation, 1:18, 2022.
This video deals with the concept of Overthinking and allows the audience to get an insight into the minds of the characters in the video. Both people are having a conversation about each other inside their heads. Overthinking is common and I wanted to create a video that captures the essence and experience of Overthinking.
My work is based around mental health issues and in this case I deal with the concept of overthinking, where I visually capture a person/people whom are trapped inside their mind. The audio of the piece is the main focal point as it draws the viewer into the mind of each character. I deliberately create my videos using the black-and-white medium to create a moody and unsettling atmosphere.
Thesis Title: The world is naturally viewed in colour, however there are those who perceive a greater sense of colour through black-and-white images.
My thesis explores how the black-and-white and colour mediums of contemporary artworks, photographs, installation art and film works evoke emotional responses within the viewer.