This is the GSM module used for the project. Unfortunately this component failed to work leaving me with a failed project.
The original idea consisted of an RTC module which would wait to send a text if the medication had not been taken before a certain time. The failure of this component as well altered the final idea.
This then altered to an idea without the RTC module. This device would instead alert users when a section had been opened. This would allow, relatives for example, to be notified when and what segment of there elderly relatives pillbox has been opened.
At first a force sensor was tested. The idea being to insert one into each segment of a pillbox. When the medication was removed a text would be sent. No sensors were sensitive enough to detect the very light weights of tablets so this sensor would not do.
Next a motion sensor was tested. The sensors used were overly sensitive and picked up on the smallest of movements. They were also far too big to be suitable.
Finally, LDRs were tested. These turned out to be the best sensors for the project. They were very small and easy to use. The concept for these sensors was to have one in each segment of the pillbox, when a segment was opened the light entering the segment would trigger the LDR to inform the GSM to send a text.