Institute of Art Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire
Ireland’s campus for the Creative Industries

Michaela McParland 

MSc User Experience Design

Hi, I'm Michaela. I am a product designer with a background in visual communication. Working previously as a UI and UX designer gave me the drive to persue a master's in the field and really delve into the world of user experience. I believe all design should not only be usable and functional, but beautiful. My research project explores how emotionally designed elements effects our cognitive performance.

Major Research Project

Title: Exploring the effect of emotional design features in technology-enhanced learning environments on learner performance.

Emotions and moods influence how we interact with products and brands. My major research project examines if positive emotionally designed elements when applied to a Technology Enhanced Learning Environment (TEL), would create a positive affect on participants which potentially could support learners to retain information easier and solve tasks faster, than if they were not applied.