Institute of Art Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire
Ireland’s campus for the Creative Industries

Natalia Nowak 

BSc [Hons] Applied Psychology

My name is Nat Nowak. I have just completed 4th years in Applied Psychology Course in Iadt. I have chosen psychology as I wanted to have a career in which I can help people. Now, that I am graduating, I would like to get involved in social work while doing a Masters Degree in Forensic or Clinical Psychology.

Project Description

This research discusses the effects of fake news and misinformation on society and individuals, particularly on how it can sway public opinions and cause harm. It explores the idea of media literacy as a way to identify fake news and the potential of improving media literacy to slow down the spread of fake news. The review also considers the impact of age and years spent on the internet on media literacy, as well as the differences in learning styles among generations. It highlights the importance of internet access and the potential benefits it can provide to older adults, while acknowledging the barriers that come with age-related cognitive decline. The review concludes by suggesting the need for further research on the effects of internet usage on media literacy, particularly among different age groups and generations.

Age, Time and Its Effects On Our Ability to Recognise Fake News

The present study is a quantitative and quasi-experimental analysis that utilizes a correlative repeated measure design to investigate the relationship between time spent using the internet, generation of the participant, and the ability to recognize fake news. The research was conducted through an online experiment consisting of two questionnaires, one before and one after an intervention, which involved playing a game called "The Bad News Game". The study employed multiple regression analysis and MANOVA to test the hypothesis. The study was conducted on 112 participants who were gathered through snowball sampling method. The sample included 54 males, 56 females, and 2 non-binary participants from Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. The score was calculated out of 6 based on the participants' ability to recognize two fake news articles among the real ones. After playing the game, the participants were asked to recognize which news articles were true and false again.

The two hypotheses were tested, and the results were insignificant in both cases, leading to the rejection of both hypotheses. The study's main weakness was the limited number of participants, with only 112 individuals taking part in the research, which affected the accuracy of the results. The study's main strength was considering age as a factor in learning, which can help researchers develop targeted interventions that are more effective in promoting learning outcomes. Future research should consider using alternative learning tools that are more accessible to different age groups and explore the most effective ways of teaching the public about fake news. Additionally, future research could consider conducting in-person surveys to minimize confusion and provide help to participants who struggle with online surveys.