Institute of Art Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire
Ireland’s campus for the Creative Industries

Mar Blay Gomez 

BA [Hons] Design for Stage + Screen Costume Design

I'm interested in historical fashion research, recreation, and construction. I'm an avid reader of fantasy and I enjoy drawing and designing the costumes of the characters from the books I read. A cinephile at heart, I love exploring costume choices in film and TV. In my free time, I enjoy playing video games, going hiking, and baking.

Major project: Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson

My Major Project was based on Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, using a script based on the first book of the series, 'The Final Empire', adapted for television. The world in Mistborn is harshly controlled by a God that calls himself the Lord Ruler, who came into power over 1000 years ago and something happened then that changed the world. The sun has lost its colour and appears red, there's a mysterious mist that seems to have a mind of it's own and cloaks everything at night.

There's magic based on the ability to ingest different metals to enhance the physical and sensory abilites. Some people that can use all the metals are called Mistborns. Others can only use one metal, they're Allomancers.

Thesis: Hercules and the symbolism of the myth in the Spanish Golden Age

My thesis focuses on the research of the symbolism and the influence that the figure of the Greco-roman character of Hercules had in the baroque period of Spain. Starting from a Spanish king in the 13th century that related his lineage as directly related to the God, the Spanish dynasty of the Habsburg used this imagery to enhance themselves and portray an idea of power during the 15th to the end of the 17th century.

I dive into different artworks and literature pieces to explore how they influenced the visual and written representations of both Hercules and the king in power in the Spanish Golden Age.