Hey, I'm an IADT graduate who studied Applied Psychology. My interests are in Sport and Health Psychology. I am a qualified personal trainer and apply both training and my psycholocial knowedge to compound, enhance and transform my clients' lives for the better.
Sport and health psychology research has identified that exercise has a positive effect on a plethora of physiological and psychological aspects of life, including mood. However, little research examines mood benefits differentiating from exercise intensity and exercise type within an ecologically valid setting i.e. the majority of studies have little participants and are conducted in a lab. This study filled that gap with a relatively large ecologicaly valid sample of participants continuing their normal exercise routines in a south Dublin gym.
This study employed a quantitative 2x2 factrial design. The two indapendent variables were exercise intensity (high and moderate), and exercise type (aerobic and anaerobic). Total mood disturbance was the dependant variable. 140 Participants from Flyefit were gathered through convinience and purposive sampling and asked to fill out half a booklet before working out, and the other half after working out. Each half of the booklet had a mood scale, questions about either demogrphics, or the individuals' workout, and either a brief or a debrief. Particpants carried out their normal workout and handed the bookelts in at the end. The data was compiled and analysed using SPSS.
Total mood disturbance had significantly reduced post-exercise compared to pre-exercise for all participants. However, there were no significant differences in mood changes based on exercise type and intensity. Therefore, the public should carry out exercises that they enjoy and that they are most likely to stick to in order to derive the most mood benefits.