Institute of Art Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire
Ireland’s campus for the Creative Industries

Richard Tracey 

BSc [Hons] Creative Media Technologies

When entering the BSc (hons) degree in Creative Media Technologies four years ago, I had a keen interest in Audio, Science and Technology in general. Quickly, I found myself ensconced within the electronics and audio modules. Over the four years within IADT, through various projects, I found myself keen to understand and learn more about music technologies. In particular, this is reflected within my project choice for this year. Throughout much of my college years I have worked in the events industry as a DJ with a keen interest in the lighting/sound division.

Arduino Audio Output

An 8-bit audio output capable of producing analogue sounds from digital binary codes using a resistor ladder-based digital to analogue convertor. Built with an Arduino and other basic electronic components.

Arduino Audio Output

This project developed an Arduino audio synthesis system, which concluded in the 2021/2022 college year, as part of the Creative Media Technologies level 8 program.
It has resulted in furthering my understanding of a subject matter about which I am passionate and concluded with a positive and successful result.
The audio output can now take commands from the Arduino IDE (the software integrated development environment) and produces various sounds and audio waveforms. The user can adjust the amplitude for creative purposes.
There are various means and methods by which this project could be further developed.
Like a musician working on an artform, the artist is never truly finished working.
Using both software and hardware methods, there are ways to further the development of this output.
Overall, in conclusion, this project shaped and further encouraged a massive passion for music technologies, and was a fantastic conclusion to 4 years on the Creative Media Technologies course.