I have always had a passion for music and film, and studying at IADT that passion only grew. When I find a new band or musician I like, I delve into their process; the same goes for films, for the actors, directors and most notably, cinematographers. Learning how an actor preformed a stunt, how a scene was set up and shot, or how a director and cinematogpher work together, intrigues me. I have also gained two new passions - podcasting and documentaries. Over the 4 years of my couse we made a few documentries and podcasts, which I greatly enjoyed making.
For one of my first year projects I made a podcast interviewing a firend of mine, Dara Quilty. We talked about his career in the music and radio industry and people he had met and interviewed on his own podcast.
In 3rd year for music industries we had an option of making a podcast on someone who working behind the scenes in the music industry, so I got in touch with Dara to see if he knew anyone who would like to be interviewed. Dara put me in contact with Aidan Cunningham, a music producer. We spoke about how Aidan got into the industry, what it's like working with musicians, how some songs have hidden parts that only superfans of a band will hear. We also spoke about some of own favourite songs and bands.
One of our projects involved doing an interview on a student and their course. I worked with one of the Erasmus students from Barcelona, Aina Calopa. We interviewed Orla Engstfeld a TV student.
One of the projects for 4th year meant we worked in pairs to make a podcast. I worked with Tommy on an entertainment podcast where we talked about all things film and TV, and interviewed our fellow students on their favourite movies and shows.
Another project in 4th year was to make a documentary. I chose to make on the same topic as my Journalism article, Powerlifting.
I interviewed a friend of mine Stephen Cahill. We talked about how he got into the sport and the pros and cons of the sport. We also talked about his decision to change from powerlifting to weightlifting.
Final Year Project - Cinematography of Robbie Ryan: The style, aesthetic, and process of Cinematography.
Video Project - Cinematography of Robbie Ryan: The style, aesthetic, and process of Cinematography
For the video portion of this project I wanted it to be viewed by all who have an interest in films whether they watch films every now and again or are enthusiasts of cinema and cinematography. I used screen recordings from each of the movies I discuss as well as an interview Robbie Ryan did with Variety, talking about the cinetography and prodution of Poor Things.
Essay - Cinematography of Robbie Ryan: The style, aesthetic, and process of Cinematography
For the essay portion of this project I took an academic approach. going into the details of the techniques which Robbie Ryan uses, how they came to be and how they evolved over time. I then went into each film seeing how Robbie worked with each Director to create their films using the techniques.