Institute of Art Design + Technology
Dún Laoghaire

Isobel Lord 

Design for Stage + Screen

Isobel is a multi-disciplinary artist specialising in costume, styling and prop-design.She is a graduate of TUD (2021) where she was awarded a BA in Visual Merchandising. She chose to further her studies at IADT in Costume design .Some of her most notable work includes a drama documentary called 'Ireland Tomorrow Tonight: 2050 Climate.' She was also hand selected by Declan Cassidy out of over 5000 applicants as the head of wardrobe for his multi-award winning short film 'Displaced'. She more recently has worked as a costume assistant on Mark O'Conors up and coming feature length 'Amongst the Wolves'.

Ladybird- Major Project

For Isobels degree piece she chose Greta Gerwigs academy nominated script 'Ladybird'. Setting the scene 20 years before the original screenplay in south Dublin, we find our Irish Ladybird. 1980s Dublin had a lot to feed into the themes of Ladybird that being social-class, adolescence, Home, money, parenthood and catholicism. The final piece consists of Ladybirds prom dress in which she has cut her own school uniform to make into a dress playing into the running narrative of her hating her school.

Sex on screen in coming-of-age anglophone television.

The coming of age genre has for some time been quite popular in both the film and television industry. The reason for its popularity can be put down to its relevance of young peoples lives with its infusion of drama driven plot lines. Lots of these plotlines surrounding relationships. It does however beg the question of what does coming of age actually mean by societal standards? In recent years coming of age Televison shows such as ‘Normal People’ and ‘Euphoria’ have exploded onto our screens. With their record breaking statistics and multi award wins, its safe say these shows have gotten quite a few people talking about them. Alot of the talk surrounding these shows would be of course the incredibly graphic nature of the sex or better known ‘intimate’ scenes. Throughout the graphic sex scenes depicted in these shows there are certain portrayals that would be deemed healthier then others.

This thesis will examine how sex and sexual relationships on screen and how they have progressed through the years starting from the 1950s to present day. It will focus on analyzing these relationships in the coming of age genre specifically and have an overall understanding of the phrase coming of age. Finally this piece will aim to have an understanding of the work of intimacy coordinators and their important contribution to the film and television industry's.