Institute of Art Design + Technology
Dún Laoghaire

Rebecca Wise 

Design for Stage + Screen

Hello I'm Rebecca, A character and makeup artist with specific interest in prosthetics, the stranger the better. I love creating characters from scratch and watching them come alive through the design and creative process.

Project Description

This is a response to "A Week Of Kindness" by artist, Max Ernst.

A piece of art that poses the question "if you could get away with it would you?"

The moral dilemma.

My piece brings to life a character from Ernst work,
The lion.
A ferocious and ruthless character, half man half lion that represents mankind at its worst.

How individualism, ego and greed can topple the strongest of society.

Thesis Title : The strengthening tropes of women in horror.

This thesis aims to show the lineage of tropes given to female horror characters.
How in the last 50 years female, horror characters have gone from helpless victims to knife wielding revenge seeking main characters.

I look through the Femme Fatales of the 1950s,
The Final girls of the 1990s, and
finishing on the Good For Her girls of the 2010s.