Hi my name is Sorcha I am a Character Make Up design student from IADT. I have long loved art and design and have spent the last few years studying different aspects of Character Make Up. I have worked on a range of projects that include designing and creating, using variety of skills in make up including prosthetic making, special effects, theatrical make up and more. I hope going into the industry to learn more on prosthetic making and are ready and excitied to develop my skills further within the industry.
Hel is described historically as a woman trapped to rule the underworld. She takes care of all the dead that have not died in battle. She lives in the deepest part of the Tree of Life in a cold realm called Neilfheim. This influenced the frozen side of the face as I wanted the look to have been impacted by the environment. In opposition, the fiery lava core on the otherside represents her ties to the underworld and reflects on the old story that she is described as half burnt, half beautiful.
Volcanic Half - Using two prosthetic pieces, a face piece and neck piece, previously made and coloured using silicone pigments, black powders and IPA paints. Before applying prosthetic. I applied black cream paint and black powder to her eye.
Frozen Half - White grease paint mixed with blend of colour grease paints and creams to create contouring, frost bitten nose and frozen lips. Using the same method on the neck area and hands. Using pros- aide I placed down the snow powder and applied snow flake gel.
Hair- Tied back and flattened. Applied wig cap and wig.
The darkned hand matching her volcanic side was used, using fullers earth and black powders.
The other side was lightened with white grease paints and all finger tips were darkned with black powder to give a frost bit effect
Bladr is the god of light whom begins the story living his days among all the gods that love him. His appearance is suppose to radiate the room and express light within him peaking through. Use of gold pigments, flakea and chunks of glitter were used to give the effect of gold coming through the skin. Wig also applied.
Baldr has just died and enterted in Neilfheim. He is comprehending his death as he meets Hel. His skin, gold once is beginning to corrode.
The parts of corrosion was created using geltaine piece I previously casted from plaster molds I made. Coloured using cream paints and IPA colours. Skin discoloured using grease paints.
Baldr has accepted his place in Neilfheim with Hel. He lives with her and falls in love with her.
Using the same molds I darkned the corroded areas on his face as he transitions into death fully. Snow was applied using snow flakes and gel. Skin discoloured using grease paints.
Concept images creating digital and physical work as well as some images of reference for when creating the textures I wanted to achieve on my silicone pieces.
Character illustrations of Hel.
The process of making silcone mold for face and neck pieces of Hel. Using silicone pigmnets I was able to achieve the glow in the dark effect on the cast for the lava flows.
Concept imagery of the transition to death that Bladr goes through. Using flat plates i created the corroding parts on the face.
My project is based around Norse Mythological Gods. I found a short story that desribes Hel the goddess of Death and Baldr the god of love. In this story I describe a version where Baldr falls in love with a woman on Midgard (earth) whom rejects him. He dies and in his transition into death falls in love with Hel, the goddess of the underworld other known as Neilfheim. Histoorically Hel is desrcibed as half burnt and half beauitful, I wanted to change around the concept of traditional burnt and create a volcanic look that represents the bottom of the realm where her world lies. I also wanted to show a transitional change visually where we see Baldr slowly die. This is shown through the golden parts that shine through him as the god of light slowly corrode as he enters Neilfheim and accepts his death and place in Neilfheim.
Beyond the Screen: A Critical Examination of Animal Representation and Welfare in Film and Television
This thesis discusses issues surrounding animal welfare in the entertainment industry and questions how through the years there has been continuous abuse and exploitation within this industry. Specifically looking at the film industry and how it reflects animal welfare concerns since the motion picture began. The thesis examined films and compared documentaries that portray horses, chimps, tigers, and orca whales and showcases different types of exploitation of animals on and off the screen and their environmental concerns in captivity.