Institute of Art Design + Technology
Dún Laoghaire

Tadhg O'Reilly McCann 

BA [Hons] 3D Design Modelmaking + Digital Art

I am Tadhg O'Reilly, a 22 year-old Irish artist based in Dublin. I've always been interested in storytelling, making ramshackle films and writing little stories as far back as I can remember, and as I grew, so too did my passion for storytelling. I am deeply fascinated by how effectively one can tell the story of a character through design, and this has led me to a keen interest in character design and concept art. I am hoping, utilising my degree, to go into a profession where I can make more stories and tell them through the wonderful visual media I've learned over my life and in my time at IADT.

The King in Gold

The King in Gold depicts the cursed skull of a cruel and insatiably avaricious Pirate King, deformed, twisted and gilded in a grimly poetic form of justice delivered by a heathen god whom he wronged.
Upon the skull sits his withered and torn hat, untouched since the King's death, adorned with many feathers, bones, gold and other offerings and trophies.
The whole macabre piece rests atop a stone plinth, from which it is venerated by a zealous and vicious pirate cult, hellbent on enacting a prophecy which told of their king's return.

Grant Us Eyes

My thesis explored the macabre and terrifying, but endlessly fascinating era of 19th century medicine, and its impact on the narrative and world of my favourite game, From Software's 2015 masterpiece, Bloodborne.
I did so through the lens of historical anecdote, Victorian literature, and medical, societal and judicial philosophy.
I delved deep into the worlds of both Bloodborne and 19th century medical and surgical reality, highlighting the horrors of each, exploring the thirst for knowledge that structure both worlds, and ultimately debating the core of my thesis; insight above all else.