Hello, I'm Craig Redmond. I am a student from Dublin who studied Creative Computing. I am a hard-working student with a keen interest in the areas of web design/development and software engineering. I have gained experience and enjoy working on full-stack applications for both web and mobile apps. I am friendly and dedicated to my work tasks and complete them with the utmost quality and efficiency. I can work as part of a team and work on my own initiative. I enjoy working and learning new technologies and challenging myself to improve my skillset while developing new skills constantly. Below you can find my contact details and LinkedIn.
FundNest provides the ability for users to connect multiple bank accounts to a single application. Users can then view their income/expenditure for each account, set up personalized saving goals, and keep track of their bills and subscriptions. The React Native framework was used to develop a hybrid application - for both iOS and Android devices.
An authentication system was implemented, allowing users to register an account and sign in through the backend of the app, which is an Express/NodeJS application that communicates with a MongoDB database.
Users are provided with a list of financial institutions that they can link to. Once the user has selected the bank, an authentication flow is initiated, which is handled by the Nordigen API. This service acted as the middle-man for communicating the sensitive bank credentials to the client side app.
The user is then provided with feedback to say they have successfully linked to their bank account. They are then provided the option to link another account or continue to the app.
Once the user has logged into their account, they are brought to the home screen. This is where they can see the balance of their account, switch between their accounts and view a portion of their saving goals. A bottom tab navigator was adopted to provide the users with an easy navigation process. From here, they can navigate to their savings list, bills, and transactions and they can add a new item such as a saving goal.
The savings index screen is where the user can view their list of saving goals, add a new goal and it displays the current savings total amount, the total saving goals amount combined and a progress bar to give the user feedback on how much progress they have made on the goal.
When a user taps on a saving item, they are brought to the saving information screen. This is where the information of the saving item can be viewed. This is where the user can update the saving’s name, icon, amount, etc., and perform certain actions for the saving like adding or withdrawing funds from the saving.
The transactions index screen is where the user can go to view their most recent transactions for the current account they have selected. This screen makes use of endpoints provided by the Nordigen API.
FundNest is a financial management mobile application that implements open banking solutions. The app allows users to link multiple accounts from one or more financial institutions to the application, analyze their income and expenditure from each account, set up and personalize custom saving goals, and track bills and subscriptions that need to be paid. One key purpose of this application is to act as a tool for users to manage their finances, with an easy-to-use interface and a positive user experience for its users. The final application is built using the MERN stack, with the frontend (mobile app) developed using React Native, the database is hosted on MongoDB and the backend/server which is an Express/NodeJS application is hosted on Heroku. The Nordigen API is used to access account data and transaction categorization.
FundNest - A mobile application with open banking solutions to assist financial management
In my thesis, I research the area of user experience within mobile banking applications. The research delves into the history of E-banking and techniques that can be used to enhance the user experience within these types of applications such as gamification and personalization. I then explored the topics of user experience design (UXD), user experience within mobile and banking applications, as well as the struggle that can be found in balancing security with a positive user experience.