Institute of Art Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire
Ireland’s campus for the Creative Industries

Eoin Cantwell 

BA [Hons] Visual Communication Design

Hello! My name is Eoin and I'm delighted to be exhibiting as part of the Visual Communication class of 2022's graduate show. I have a passion for identity, motion and 3D environment design. In 2021, I was lucky enough to take part in two internships. The first being alongside the fantastic team at Path in Dublin which was then followed by a three–month summer internship with Landor & Fitch's London studio, working on a huge range of projects with some of the world’s biggest brands. Come along to our graduate show to see more of me & my classmate's work!


The Irish are all over. Travel and emigration is nothing new to us, but getting settled in somewhere new can sometimes be a nightmare and even put us off going in the first place. But lucky for you, we're here to guide you when you're getting set up. Anseo acts as a one-stop shop for advice on the most important issues which come up in a new place, and because the advice is coming from other Irish travellers who have gone through the same craic, Anseo creates an opportunity to chat about these topics and sort each other out. So, this search for advice with similar problems helps bring the ready made irish community together. When you need that bit of help with the search that comes with getting settled in, Anseo has you sorted.

Hipster Republicanism and the Rebranding of Sinn Féin

My thesis examined a new generation of republicans which popularise and commodify signifiers of Irish identity as a means of celebrating Irishness. Unfortunately, this is being achieved by focusing on elements of our history which are highly political and traumatic, while glossing over what these events signified, and disregarding of the consequences of the brutality of the period. The hipster republican has a surface level understanding of the history which they are promoting, and often are creating a romanticised version of that time, which hasn’t actually occurred. It’s a superficial engagement with history, which is something that Sinn Féin are benefiting from and capitalising on.