My name is Molly Lynch. I specialise in Character Make-up Design on IADT’s BA in Design for Stage and Screen. I have worked on multiple productions and short films, both on a professional and student level. I became interested in make-up at a very young age and was adamant to turn my hobby into a career so I can do what I love everyday and be surrounded by creative minds. This course has helped me develop my skill and has offered me how to manage projects through innovative thinking and creative problem solving.
Poster I created for my main character, The Evil Sea Witch.
A cunning sorceress. The Evil Witch gives the Little Mermaid a liquid concoction that will temporarily turn her to a human to marry the prince. Of course, there are sacrifices required of the Little Mermaid, which serves to make the Evil Witch a convincing antagonist
The Evil Witch is the only one to live in the dark world, along with her stone victims and minions.
She was banished to the darkest, scariest part of the ocean by the Merking’s late wife after the Merking raped her (the same story as Medusa- this is not mentioned in the text by Andersen). The world Is full of pollution such as oil spills, fishing nets and plastic- all things consumed in the Merking’s kingdom, all their waste is all shoved down to where the witch lives- similar to how members of the middle/upper societal classes don’t notice as much pollution as those in lower classes- same with developed countries and developing countries.
Poster I created for The Evil Sea Witch’s transformation into a Siren.
Photography by Carlos Moguel
Model is Bebhinn O’Reilly
Once the Little Mermaid drinks the concoction the Evil Witch gives her and she transforms into a human, the Evil Witch also transforms but into a Siren. She is both beautiful and intimidating. She uses the mermaid beauty and the little mermaids beautiful voice to lure more victims in, dragging sailors to their tragically painful death
Close up of the beautiful siren, the evil witch’s transformation after she grants the little mermaid her wish by transforming her into a human, I return the Witch transforms into a siren and steals the Little mermaids beautiful voice.
All prosthetics were made and applied by Me
Photography by Carlos Moguel
Model is Bebhinn O’Reilly
Poster I created for The Little Mermaid when she transforms into a human.
The youngest of her family, the Little Mermaid lives under the sea with her father, who is the king of the sea, her five sisters, and her grandmother. The Little Mermaid's most desperate desire is to become human so she can marry the handsome prince, who lives on land.After visiting the Evil witch, she is given a concoction which will transformer into a human, but it removes her beautiful voice so she has to rely on the princes hazy memory and her beauty to get the prince to fall inlove with her
The poster I made for my minor project, The Merchant of Venice By William Shakespeare.
Designed for Theatre. Set at the beginning of World War II in Italy, under Mussolini’s ruling.
Character posters I created using my images and digital work.
Antonio, an antisemitic merchant, takes a loan from the Jew Shylock to help his friend to court Portia. Antonio can't repay the loan, and without mercy, Shylock demands a pound of his flesh. The heiress Portia, now the wife of Antonio's friend, dresses as a lawyer and saves Antonio.
The Little Mermaid, My Major Project, in collaboration with Bebhinn O’Reilly
In this fairy tale, a short story with fantastic characters and events, the main character, The Little Mermaid, lives a royal life under the sea but constantly thinks of the world above. When she goes to the surface for the first time at fifteen, the land dwellers on a ship captivate her, especially the prince whom she saves from drowning. Finding the embodiment of her love and longing, she discovers a way to join her beloved on land and, despite the risks, pays a terrible price. She quickly befriends the prince. After the prince marries another woman, the story closes with the little mermaid throwing herself into the water, becoming seafoam, and discovering that she may earn a mortal soul through good deeds yet to come.
This project was done in collaboration with Bebhinn O’Reilly.
Art as Cultural Capital In The Promotion of Luxury Brands: Gucci and Louboutin , The use of art in advertising
Throughout my dissertation I aim to evaluate why luxury brands employ art throughout their advertising campaigns. I will examine Jukka Gronow’s study on taste and style which will aid me to understand the mentality behind why people put themselves under pressure to purchase expensive luxury products. I will also examine Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of cultural capital to discuss how our upbringing influences the decisions we make, especially around the purchase of luxury goods.
Once I have established my understanding of both Gronow’s and Bourdieu’s theories, I aim to discover how the involvement of art throughout advertising campaigns influences the sale of luxury products and whether the brands involvement within the art world benefits their image and reputation. I plan to do this by studying two luxury brands of my choice, Gucci and Louboutin.
I will briefly discuss the history of my two chosen luxury brands and why I have chosen them. I will then quickly move onto studying two collections produced by both Gucci and Louboutin which include art throughout their advertising campaigns and highlight how the involvement of art has benefitted each brand