Institute of Art Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire
Ireland’s campus for the Creative Industries

Lauren Cullen 

BA [Hons] Film + Television Production

Lauren Cullen is a film and commercial editor based in Dublin Ireland. Lauren has experience in many departments of film including production and camera , but found her passion and skills thrive in post-production. Lauren currently works full time as a commercial editor and has recently seen some of her commercial work broadcast on television and across social media platforms. She hopes to continue to expand her skills and challenge herself within more film and documentary work as she has fallen in love with it this year. Lauren finds working collaboratively extremely inspiring and prides herself on her dedication to the process and love of learning.

Editing Major/ Sound Minor

Lauren majored in Editing and minored in sound this year . Not only did Lauren gather two credits working as Editor on Sons Of Roisin and I Saw Myself Dead , she also was the co- sound designer on I Saw Myself Dead. Lauren’s technical knowledge has been well developed this year , she now feels very comfortable in both Avid Media Composer and Avid Pro Tools. She has also has the opportunity to expand her skills in Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve and Adobe After Effects. Lauren has become a much more confident Editor in the last year , she feels like a valuable asset to a team and continues to enjoy learning and growing from those around her . Lauren feels comfortable managing large projects and fast turnarounds and always wants to be proud of the work created .

‘Blessed are the forgetful ‘ The use of memory in Solaris and Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Lauren’s dissertation investigates themes of memory within Tarkovsky's Solaris and Kaufman's Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind . Both films use memory as a key emotional driver and world building tool. They investigate the memory processes that make us human , those that we still struggle to fully understand and draw upon real psychological theories and apply them to narrative.

The thesis breaks down both films individually to explore the key similarities and differences between how they approach memory, how film is memory in of itself , and how some psychological theories can be applied to both narratives.