Institute of Art Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire
Ireland’s campus for the Creative Industries

Conor Morrin 

BA [Hons] Design for Stage + Screen Costume Design

Hi! my names Conor Morrin, I'm a young Irish designer completing my degree in costume design. I would say my biggest strength is my creativity and my unique point of view. I'm happy to be presenting some of my final degree work here, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Interview with the Vampire

Based on the script by Anne Rice. These designs are based around a retelling for animated screen.

Born as an 18th-century lord, Louis is now a bicentennial vampire, telling his story to an eager biographer. Suicidal after the death of his family, he meets Lestat, a vampire who persuades him to choose immortality over death and become his companion. Eventually, gentle Louis resolves to leave his violent maker, but Lestat guilts him into staying by turning a young girl — whose addition to the "family" breeds even more conflict.

​The piece is more serious and revolves around the human form and the vampire form being separated. The costumes themselves take control of the characters as we move through time and are grotesque in nature. The use of realism and collage in the vampire form helps achieve this. 

​The world in which the characters live in, is based on famous paintings of the time period they are residing in. 

Evaluating the cultural and historical portrayal of the 1930's through the character of Betty Boop and her animated features

For my Thesis my research examined the character of Betty Boop specifically focusing on her career in the early to late 1930's and examining the points of notable transition in both her appearance character and world. We look at issues surrounding the portrayal of being a working woman in the 1930s, we also look at issues like assault and the portrayal of race.