Institute of Art Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire
Ireland’s campus for the Creative Industries

Grace Brennan 

BA [Hons] Visual Communication Design

Hi! My name is Grace and I am a multidisciplinary designer from County Wexford. I am passionate about creating projects which are concept led, user focused and where possible, for social change. I have an interest in using hands on practices through, motion, photographic and artistic methods. I have experience working in the art department with Kate Moylan Design and shadowing Peter Evers in photography. I have worked as a freelance graphic designer since commencing my degree with jobs completed in web, spatial, branding, photography and social media content creation. I am eager to learn, and am open to work after graduation so please do not hesitate to get in touch!

Yellow Box

Yellow box is a local service that saves returned clothes from retailers to sort and send to local charities. It works in person by supplying stores with a yellow box to input their unsellable returns and having the contents of the box collected on a regular basis. Online there is also a plugin for websites to allow you to send clothes back to Yellow Box instead of the manufacturer. The aim of Yellow Box is to reduce waste, help people in the community and work toward the 2030 sustainability goals in Ireland by creating a more circular economy.

The Impact of Narrative Interventions within Health Promotions and Prevention and the Use of Celebrity as a Communication Tool to Non-Expert Audiences

Non- Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are chronic illnesses that account for 70% of the world's premature deaths annually. NCDs such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes are preventable diseases when early intervention is applied. There has been a push in Europe for the World Health Organization (WHO) to apply narrative interventions to health promotion and prevention programs to improve the behavioural efficacy of general populations. Under the Sláintecare act, government-funded organisations have increased their use of health promotions in order to introduce universal healthcare in Ireland. Although there is an increase in health promotion material, the generation and growth of content is slow. The accessibility of health information needs to be improved to increase health literacy across general populations. It is possible to analyse the recommended methods for effective narrative interventions within health campaigns by looking at previous examples of successful narrative interventions for health messaging. Widespread health messages delivered through storytelling by celebrity figures, can be studied as examples of effective narrative interventions.